So these past about two weeks we have had quite a few great things happen! First and for most Brandon got a wonderful job that he is really excited about! We feel so very blessed to have this opportunity come our way. He is now working for GoYo Media and is the VP of sales.
I finally got eyelash extensions, I have wanted them for like a year and a half and finally decided to just do it. So I was totally excited and way happy with how they turned out! But the next morning apparently I am somewhat allergic to the glue that is used to put them on. So I had puffy, red, itchy eyes for a couple of days with a horrible sinus much fun! Now its all calmed down I really like them! :) Another crazy thing I did was I actually ran for the first time in like, well lets see, since I had Ashlyn almost 6 years ago! Yep I know kinda amazing but it felt pretty good I was quite surprised. Just a little sore! :)
My sweet little Brooklyn is growing up so fast right now. I was just looking through some old pictures and how darling of a little toddler she was! She is becoming such a sweet little girl! She is constantly wanting to play with her friends in the neighborhood which is so great for her to have her own little friends. And I love watching her play baby dolls. She said to me the other day, "Mommy can I be a Mommy like you now? I want to for real life!" I said of course you can to your babies. Her response was, " No I want to be a real mommy with real babies!" She just is so into them and they are so real to her it's so cute! Another cute thing she said while we were watching her favorite movie Little Mermaid, "Mommy can my name be Little Merdmaid (that's how shes says Mermaid) ?" So for the rest of the day I had to call her Little Mermaid! :)
I think that is about all that's been going on at our house! Life is so full of wonderful things when you get to be a mom! I just love every minute of every day!
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