Monday, July 4, 2011

Brooklyn is now 3

Our Birthday Girl!

Opening presents..I've never seen a kid open presents so fast! 

Her Tinker Bell cake!

She's been wanting this baby and stroller for a while to go no walks with me and Parker.

The girls taking the baby for a walk

Brooklyn's new baby!

My little Brookie Boo! 
While we were in Boise we celebrated Brooklyn's 3rd birthday! I can't believe she is 3 already she is just so much fun right now! She is really growing up a lot! She chose a Tinker Bell or as she calls he a Teamper Bell birthday. We had it at her favorite place the park and were able to have all our family there which was so nice. When she opened her presents she went so fast I could barely catch up with her it was so funny! She was thrilled with every single present she opened! Some fun little things about my Brookie Boo! She says the cutest things! She will say "Mommy fatch (watch) this I'm magical!" She gets some of her letters mixed up and has kind of a New Yorker's accent. So I could just listen to her all day long! She LOVES anything chocolate! She also likes pickles, popsicles, receses, chocolate milk, and noodles. She loves to play with babies and is just so sweet when she plays. She really likes to help out with Parker or as she calls him Pawker Boy! She is in love with flip flops or as she calls then "fip fops." I love watching her play and giggle with Ashlyn. They are just such cute sister friends! I am so grateful for my sweet little Brookie Boo in my life. Each day she gives me her sweet smile from the moment she wakes up to cuddling with her to go to sleep. I am so blessed to have such a sweetheart of a daughter. Happy 3rd Birthday Brooklyn! I'm glad you had so much fun! :)