Awaiting his arrival! |
The hug I was waiting for! |
Yeah!! Look at that awesome missionary! |
On Saturday July 30th Jordan cam home from his mission! I was so excited I could hardly stand it the whole week leading up to him coming home! We all were so excited to have everyone home for the first time in a little over 2 years! So he was scheduled to come in at 4:15 so we all had sings ready to go and we got a call from him a few hours before of him saying that he missed his connecting flight from it taking so long going through customs so his flight will be later than scheduled. So we were now going to to have to wait just a few extra hours no big deal for him to arrive at 7:00, well unfortunately we got another call from him (from a very nice man's cell phone that was on his same flight) that because of bad weather his flight now would be delayed and not come in until 11:45!! We were bummed but at least we could still see him that same day and we wouldn't have to wait another day. So with all that anticipation and waiting we FINALLY got to see him walk off the plane from serving his mission in Peubla, Mexico! It was amazing seeing him again. He looked incredibly happy, he seemed to have this beam and aura around him that everyone could tell what a successful missionary he had been! I have this amazing sister brother connection with Jordan that is very hard to describe. We seem to know each other so well and love to spend tons of time together! We even doing nothing always have a blast! :) I just love him so much I am so proud of him serving his mission each week when I got his email it was such a great day! I could tell immediately how he was feeling and could almost pictures his ups and downs of him on his mission. I just am so so proud of him!!! I couldn't stop hugging him! It was a long day but even when he had gotten up at 4 am and flown all day we still stayed up until 2 am (yes he was almost up 24 hours) talking and hearing his stories and he told them with a little accent!! Yes he has a little accent which is totally cool! Well I have to say I am so happy he is home and so grateful for his great example and his strong testimony. I feel to thankful to have Jordan as my brother and to have had him serve a mission for the past 2 years! He is one awesome brother! Welcome Home Elder Bailey!!!
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